

Sorian Lee (李翰昇)

Birthday: February 7th
City of birth: Taipei
City: Taiwan

Current Residence: Virginia, USA, and Taipei, Taiwan

I am an artist.
I am a chef.
I love animals. My dog Yuki. (RIP MAX)
Gardening is a hobby of mine (I got it from my parents, and my A-Mah)
I’m a notorious workaholic but I love my jobs and they make me happy. (Thanks again mom and dad for the workaholic gene)
Food, Plants, Illustrations/ Drawing, and Crafts work alongside translating (freelance) is what I spend most of my time on.

My friends are first on my list because they are the family that I had created through years of bonds. Even though I work a lot I will always find time for my friends if they ever need anything… it also helps that I rarely sleep and I primarily work for myself HAHA.
 I have a decent knack for languages due to the complexity of my family so I am fluent in Mandarin- Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, Cantonese (ok la), and English. I was an illustrator and translator for the last decade while putting food to a more personal level. Now, I am moving forward with bringing food back into the forefront of my life and starting a new adventure with finishing my cookbook and opening a teahouse.