
Friday, March 27, 2020

For Right Now. 現在

I'm going to be doing something a little more different than usual. This will be in at least two languages and simulposted for anyone who needs it. But what do you guys want to read/ hear about? Cooking problems or questions you guys might want help in?
我最近會開始用至少兩個語言跟大家溝通。但是我要問,朋友們,你們想看什麼? 你們想學什麼?我這麼能幫你們?先跟你們說喔, 我國語不是什麼非常好我不是李白。但算起來還可以。
Right now everyone is wondering, what do I do? What do I cook? I hear a lot of, "I don't know how to cook" and "I don't like to cook" So I'm devising a plan to help everyone with these issues.
現在很多人在想說 ”我這麼辦?“ 我不會燒飯。” ”我不喜歡做菜。” “做菜好難哦”。 所以我想個辦法能幫比較多人。從小我們都有機會吃家人做的東西。不管是爸爸媽媽還是阿公阿嬤~現在是我們的機會給我們的下被吃我們用愛做的食物。
So I will start this conversation with you all~ and keep in mind that this is all subject to change and morph. Life has never been only one way, not now nor will it ever be. There are just too many variables in everyone's' lives.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020



OK so, it has been several years since I've done a blog post. So update... 

The world is on fire with COVID-19. That's all I'm going to say about that. 

I am resuming posting food posts and continuing on with pursuing my cookbook. So I'm going to attempt to pick up where I left off on this blog. After a little less than a decade (7 Years). I'm just going to go in. 

Spring 2020.3.24 

Mustard: such a versatile condiment. Mustard is super flavorful and can be used in a multitude of ways. You can make a rub, a vinaigrette, or as a condiment. Sure it was originally made to go on a hotdog, and don't get me wrong. It's delicious on a hotdog. But today, I want to talk about its use differently. I want to give you guys a great use for it as a marinade or a base for your rub... and I have a few to talk about.

Mustard is punchy and savory and spicy all in one and it doesn't take a lot to make its presence known. So for my first recipe, it is a wet marinade/ rub. All you have to do is mix it together, and rub it on, let it sit, and then bake it with some on/ over it.

Chianti Mustard Rub:

¼ Cup    Chianti
4 Tbsp.   Dijon Mustard
1 Tsp.     Paprika
1 Tsp.     Parsley
1 Tsp.     Dill
1 Tsp.     Salt and Pepper (less salt thank you think is needed)

For glass and aluminum baking pans, rub the bottom down with some butter... it adds great flavor and keeps the dish from sticking to your choice of protein or vegetable. This "rub" created a wonderful crust and a nice salty bite to whatever you're cooking. I adore putting this on fish, chicken and especially duck/ beef. 

This is a highly versatile rub and it goes great on fish, duck, chicken, beef, pork, asparagus, broccoli, it works and marries so well I want everyone in the world to try this.

The Second rub is:

Coriander Mustard Rub:
Simple and easy and also quick. Again, everything into a bowl, mix, slather and cook.

½ Cup.   Maille Mustard
1. Tbsp. Ground Coriander
1 Tsp.     Dill
1 Tsp.     Black Pepper
Salt to taste, but err on the side of less salt since mustard is salty already.

Again, this rub is so simple and packs a great flavor and punch. I love this one on fish in particular and chicken.

And the Last Rub is:

Dry Mustard BBQ Rub:

¾ Cup.  Mustard Powder (I use Coleman's)

½ Cup.  Paprika
¼ Cup.  Smoked Chili Powder
¼ Cup.  Garlic Powder
¼ Cup.  Onion Powder
⅓ Cup. Black Pepper
¾ Cup. Brown Sugar
2 Tbsp. Ground Coriander
2 Tbsp. Cumin
1 Tbsp. Turmeric
1 Tbsp. Salt
1 Tbsp. Dried Thyme
2 Tbsp. MSG

1 Whole chicken or Rack of Ribs 
½ Cup Mustard BBQ Rub 
½ Cup Dijon

Rub the inside and outside or top and sides really well with the dijon mustard. Then sprinkle on the rub evenly all over it.

The MSG is optional, but I love that extra zing it gives to food and since has disproved the old racist sayings of the past. So get over your fear of MSG.

Along with the above rub mixed really well and then stored in an airtight container... I use Maille Dijon or good ole Grey Poupon to adhere the rub mix to whatever protein of my choice. I adore this sweet and punchy rub on chicken but especially pork. This rub works so well with so many things... although I have yet to put it on fish... *see above recipe for the fish, I promise you, you will love it* but I'm sure if you want a mustardy and smokey,  sweet yet mellow, fish, that this would be right for you. I adore using this rub on pork or dark meat chicken thighs, or duck~

Until next post~ I hope everyone tries out one of these recipes and lets me know how it is.